Freelancing. This is something that can often be compared to Russian roulette or playing the lottery. You basically shoot with your eyes closed and hope to hit a bullseye. This is something that people spend their life tirelessly doing and sometimes to no avail, I’ve been there, and am mostly still there. Freelancing is HARD, and requires the time, dedication and drive to succeed. Getting your first paid “anything” feels like winning the lottery, and you will be on cloud nine. Then you will do it ... Read the Post
Ultimate Guide to Freelancing and Finding Your First Paid Remote Job!
What I Learnt From 3 Months on FlexJobs – Is it Worth the Money?
FlexJobs promises to be the be-all-end-all of flexible work arrangements. As someone who works a full time job, and freelances on the side, I hoped it would be the perfect place for me to find flexible arrangements that were long lasting. This would cut out the time I spend applying for random freelance writing jobs, so I could spend more time focusing on my second book and my various blogs. So, after reading the killer reviews and seeing everyone's great success, I decided to fork over the 30 ... Read the Post
6 Things to Do Everyday To Actually Reach Your Goals
I know it's hard sometimes to actually find time to reach our goals. I for one, find that I'm constantly chasing after things that I seem to never get closer to. We all have goals, and a way planned to get there, but sometimes it all takes longer than we want, or we sometimes get so tired that we feel like we are just going to give up. Honestly though, sometimes as much as you try, you end up sitting on your couch binge watching Netflix and thinking about how tomorrow you are going to do just a ... Read the Post
Sometimes You Need To Reassess and Reevaluate
I sat down at my computer a couple of days ago and couldn't think of anything to put down on paper, it was the holidays and pure madness at my family's house. I wanted to pump out 20 or so posts over my 5 day break from work, and I failed miserably (this is post 2, yes 2! I wanted to write 18 more!). As someone who is a month out from a book release, works full time, and runs 4 blogs, I have goals that I feel like I consistently fail to meet. I don't fail, I just need to create ... Read the Post
Why You Need A Blog As An Author
It seems that everything happens online now, right! We live in a world where we are constantly connected and pushing deeper and deeper online. It used to be the norm that you would write a book, print your book out and mail it, yes I said mail it, to publishers across the world, hoping someone would pick it up. From there you would hope that a publisher would read it, and then pray they would sign it. After getting a book deal, you would get your photo in the newspaper, and your crisp fresh book ... Read the Post
Throwing Away the Manual: Learning What “Success” Really Is!
There are a few moments when you really think: I did it, I finally succeeded! Whether you got the career you have always dreamed of, you accomplished a goal you've been working towards or you can finally say that you hit a milestone you've been aiming for, you have, by your standards, been successful! Whatever your definition of success it, it is just that YOUR definition. We live in a world where success is seemingly measured for us, there is some mysterious "manual" that everyone keeps in ... Read the Post